... These are only some of the more straightforward examples.
Release of genetically engineered organisms into the environment
carries with it a level of risk that is sometimes difficult to
evaluate. Human gene therapy (Box 28-2), with all of its promise,
doubtless will present society with ethical dilemmas not yet
anticipated. Issues of this kind must in the end foster a closer
and more productive collaboration between science and the society
it serves, as well as higher levels of scientific literacy in the
general public, as we move toward the twenty-first century.
Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 1010.o.
2017. október 29., vasárnap
2017. október 14., szombat
Ezt informatikus ne lássa: két kódszegmens ugyanazon a memóriaterületen, eltolt értelmezési kezdőcímmel ! ... ez hajmeresztően pimasz trükk !
Ha egy humán programozó ilyen kódot gyártana, azt a szoftver-igazgató azonnal, páros lábbal kirúgja !
Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 904.o.
Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 904.o.
2017. október 9., hétfő
2017. október 6., péntek
Nem azért mondom, de ez elképesztő: az élet-technológia !
Ez nem csak úgy magától pöndörödik, ezt pöndöríteni kell ! ... Ez komplett gyártási folyamat:
In every cell, DNA supercoiling is a precisely regulated process that influences many aspects of DNA metabolism. Not surprisingly, there are enzymes in every cell whose sole purpose is to underwind and/or relax DNA. The enzymes that increase or decrease the extent of DNA underwinding are called topoisomerases, and the property of DNA they affect is the linking number. These enzymes play an especially important role in processes such as replication and DNA packaging. There are two classes of topoisomerases. Type 1 topoisomerases act by transiently breaking one of the two DNA strands, rotating one of the ends about the unbroken strand, and rejoining the broken ends; they change Lk in increments of 1. Type 2 topoisomerases break both DNA strands and change Lk in increments of 2.
Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 805.o.
In every cell, DNA supercoiling is a precisely regulated process that influences many aspects of DNA metabolism. Not surprisingly, there are enzymes in every cell whose sole purpose is to underwind and/or relax DNA. The enzymes that increase or decrease the extent of DNA underwinding are called topoisomerases, and the property of DNA they affect is the linking number. These enzymes play an especially important role in processes such as replication and DNA packaging. There are two classes of topoisomerases. Type 1 topoisomerases act by transiently breaking one of the two DNA strands, rotating one of the ends about the unbroken strand, and rejoining the broken ends; they change Lk in increments of 1. Type 2 topoisomerases break both DNA strands and change Lk in increments of 2.
Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 805.o.
2017. október 4., szerda
Az élet-információ drága !
Forming specific bonds
and preventing sequence errors in these polymers has an enormous
impact on the thermodynamics, chemistry, and enzymology of the
synthetic processes. For example, formation of a peptide bond
should require an input of only about 21 kJ, and relatively
simple enzymes that catalyze comparable reactions are known. To
synthesize the correct peptide bond between two specific amino
acids at a given point in a protein, however, the cell invests
about 125 kJ in chemical energy and makes use of the combined
activities of over 200 RNA molecules, enzymes, and specialized
proteins. Information is expensive.
Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 790.o.
Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 790.o.
2017. október 2., hétfő
A "supercoil" ("pödört söndör" ?) ... Hogyan fogjuk ezt az unokáinknak elmagyarázni ?
Figure 23-9 Supercoils. A typical phone cord is a coil. A phone cord twisted as shown is a supercoil. The illustration is especially appropriate, because an examination of the twisting of phone cords helped lead Jerome Vinograd and colleagues to the insight that many properties of small, circular DNAs could be explained by supercoiling. They first detected DNA supercoiling in small, circular viral DNAs in 1965.
Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 799.o.
Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 799.o.
Bejegyzések (Atom)
Epigenetika, epitranszkriptomikus módosulatok !
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Magyar kutatók vezetésével, több mint egy évtizeden át tartó genetikai nyomozással jutott el nemzetközi kutatócsoport egy család férfi ta...
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Tisztelt Döntéshozó Úrhölgy / Úr ! 1. Kvalitatív vizsgálattal (szemrevételezéssel) megállapítható, hogy az öregedés program . 2. ...