Az öregedést is hasonló zsenialitással kell gyógyítani !
precise cause of gout is not known, but it is suspected
to be due to a genetic deficiency of one or another
enzyme concerned in purine metabolism.
Gout can be
effectively treated by a combination of nutritional and
drug therapies. Foods especially rich in nucleotides and
nucleic acids, such as liver or glandular products, are
withheld from the diet. In addition, major improvement
follows use of the drug allopurinol (Fig. 21-40), an
inhibitor of xanthine oxidase, the enzyme responsible for
converting purines into uric acid. When xanthine oxidase
is inhibited, the excreted products of purine metabolism
are xanthine and hypoxanthine, which are more soluble in
water than uric acid and less likely to form crystalline
deposits. Allopurinol was developed by Gertrude Elion and
George Hitchings, who also developed acyclovir, used to
treat AIDS, and other purine analogs used in cancer
Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 730.o.
Megjegyzések küldése (Atom)
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