Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic prokaryotes (formerly called
blue-green algae) in which the machinery and mechanism for light
capture, electron flow, and ATP synthesis are similar in many
respects to those in the chloroplasts of higher plants. The
bacteriumlike division of chloroplasts, and their similarities to
cyanobacteria in photosynthetic components and mechanisms,
support the hypothesis that chloroplasts arose during evolution
from endosymbiotic prokaryotes that also gave rise to modern
cyanobacteria (see Fig. 2-17). Studies of photosynthesis in lower
eukaryotes and prokaryotes may therefore yield insight into
photosynthetic mechanisms that is generalizable* to the higher
Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 588.o.
*) A generalizáció alapvető programozási technika
Megjegyzések küldése (Atom)
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