The ions and low molecular weight solutes in the blood
plasma are not fixed components, but are in constant flux
between blood and various tissues. Dietary uptake of
inorganic ions is, in general, counterbalanced by their
excretion in the urine. For many of the components of
blood, something near a dynamic steady state is achieved;
the concentration of the component changes little,
although a continual flux occurs from the digestive
tract, through the blood, and to the urine. For example,
almost regardless of the dietary intake of Na+, K+, and
Ca2+, the plasma levels of these ions remain close to
140, 5, and 2.5 mM, respectively. Any significant
departure from these values can result in serious illness
or death. The kidneys play an especially important role
in maintaining the ion balance, serving as a selective
filter that allows waste products and excess ions to pass
from the blood to the urine while preventing the loss of
essential nutrients and ions.
Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 745.o.
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