The dependence on r2 is such that ionic attractions or repulsions operate over limited distances, in the range of 10 to 40 nm (depending on the electrolyte concentration) when the solvent is water.... Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 84.o.
2017. december 26., kedd
Szószedet: attraction (vonzás)
2017. december 19., kedd
Szószedet: exciting (izgalmas)
... familiarity with them is a prerequisite for understanding more advanced topics covered in this book, as well as the rapidly growing and exciting literature of biochemistry.
Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 109.o.
... Játsszunk biokémiát ! ... :)
2017. december 16., szombat
Szószedet: bioinformatika (language of biochemistry)
We begin in each case by considering the covalent structure of the simple subunits (amino acids, fatty acids, monosaccharides, and nucleotides). These subunits are a major part of the language of biochemistry; familiarity with them is a prerequisite for understanding more advanced topics covered in this book, as well as the rapidly growing and exciting literature of biochemistry.
Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 109.o.
2017. december 9., szombat
Szószedet: egyszerűség (simplicity)
The relevant facts of biochemistry are many; the student approaching this subject for the first time may occasionally feel overwhelmed. Perhaps the most encouraging development in twentieth-century biology is the realization that, for all of the enormous diversity in the biological world, there is a fundamental unity and simplicity to life. The organizing principles, the biochemical unity, and the evolutionary perspective of diversity, provided at the molecular level, will serve as helpful frames of reference for the study of biochemistry....
Although living organisms contain a very large number of different proteins and different nucleic acids, a fundamental simplicity underlies their structure (Chapter 1). The simple monomeric subunits from which all proteins and all nucleic acids are constructed are few in number and identical in all living species....
Bejegyzések (Atom)
Epigenetika, epitranszkriptomikus módosulatok !
Magyar kutatók vezetésével, több mint egy évtizeden át tartó genetikai nyomozással jutott el nemzetközi kutatócsoport egy család férfi ta...
Magyar kutatók vezetésével, több mint egy évtizeden át tartó genetikai nyomozással jutott el nemzetközi kutatócsoport egy család férfi ta...
Mujdricza Péter könyvszemléje: Yuval Noah Harari: Homo Deus - A holnap rövid története A halál végnapjai "A 21. században az ...
Tisztelt Döntéshozó Úrhölgy / Úr ! 1. Kvalitatív vizsgálattal (szemrevételezéssel) megállapítható, hogy az öregedés program . 2. ...